Friday, February 13, 2009


It's 2:30am time study time is over time to put shut it down and get some zzzzz. Man I learned a lot today and tonight. Man I learned somthing that took me very long time to get. Matter fact I practiced a lot today and mastered somthing I need to master for a long time. I am ending the night with a High Grade White Tea Night Cap. Ahhh the Good life. That is from Me Face book

Man I learned so much. My boy told me his scprit bombed hella gigs on a production server for a Major Corp! Oh man i will always remember now to I dont care if I have to bring a personal drive, before I make major changes to back up that info just in case I need to restore it. A women I know let me know she was raped. Oh man how strong she is to over come that. I now understand why I could never really understand her. She has been thru so much for her to be fully fuctional is a testament to her personal power. I would have never guessed that happed to her. Man it hurt so bad to hear that.

I really studied very hard today. I mean I am really taking things to another level. Plus I see how people waste time that they could use to learn buy watching mad T.V and videos. So I let the T.V and videos run while I was keeping my nose to the grind stone. Its like allowing T.V to be there but not having it take my attention away from what I can do every day to get hotter.

I talked to a good friend and she helped me see why I have stayed away from Society. I return with an understanding of people. Now I can avoid all of the problems in the past due to my mouth. Man I got to hit the sac I never sleep but all of this studying got me sleepy.

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